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School policy

School policy 2024


1.    Purpose


This document describes the basic rules for the organization of preschool education provided by Kamarád Preschool.

The above rules determine the rules, responsibilities of the Preschool, regime measures, cooperation with parents.


All those involved (listed in this document) must comply with and follow this document in order for the pre-school education to meet the goal of promoting the development of the pre-school child's personality, which contributes to the child’s sound emotional, intellectual and physical development and to the acquisition, by the child, of basic rules of behaviour, life values and interpersonal relationships, and helps to compensate for any unevenness in the child's development before commencing primary education, and creates the conditions for continuing education.




Our aim is to:

·         positively complement family education and provide the child with a sufficiently stimulating, calm, kind, joyful and familiar environment suited to the requirements and individual characteristics of the children.

·         develop children's independence, sophistication and healthy self-esteem, develop basic human values and respect towards others, encourage the children to understand the importance of physical health and a healthy lifestyle and help them to take care for the environment, create, think, cooperate.


We pay due attention to children with school deferment. All school staff work with parents to develop and organise activities for the benefit of the children and to deepen the educational interaction between the family and the school.


 2. Scope


This document applies to the company (public benefit corporation, accounting unit).

Mateřská škola Kamarád, Hradec Králové, Veverkova 1495 (Address: Hradec Králové, Veverkova 1495, Postcode 50002).


Sharing of any copies and communication of the content of the Guideline with public authorities, administrative and legislative bodies and foreign bodies is subject to the written consent of the School Principal (head of the accounting unit).

Copies shared with entities and persons outside the distribution list constitute uncontrolled documents.

Responsibilities and powers are set out in the description of this Guideline. This document is approved by the signature on its cover page. Approval is done by affixing a signature to the "approved/issued by" section.


3. Terms, definitions and abbreviations


Accounting unit/public benefit corporation—Mateřská škola Kamarád, Hradec Králové, Veverkova 1495

Established on the basis of a deed of foundation by resolution of the City Council of Hradec Králové No. ZM/2009/1622 dated: 29 September 2009.




Name: Mateřská škola Kamarád, Hradec Králové, Veverkova 1495
Address: Veverkova 1495, Hradec Králové, Postcode: 500 02

Founder: Statutory City of Hradec Králové
Responsible person: Mgr Bc. Marie Pražáková, DiS.

Legal form: public benefit corporation
IN: 71000755


Description of the establishment

Type of establishment: all-day operation
The preschool has 7 classes in total with full-day operation

Age range of the children: from 3 (exceptionally from 2) years to 6 years of age, up to 7 years of age in the event of school deferment.


Veverkova preschool site: 100 children, 4 classes of 25 children each

Hrubínova preschool site: 75 children, 3 classes of typically 25 children each


4.1. Preschool admission


As a rule, children are admitted to preschool from the age of 3, but not earlier than the age of 2.

Children who will reach at least the age of four before the start of the school year are prioritised if they have a permanent residential address, or residential address for foreigners, in the relevant school district or are placed in a children's home in that district, up to the maximum permitted number of children. Admissions are based on criteria set by the preschool principal and communicated to parents in advance. Admission to preschool education is conditional on a doctor's certificate to the effect that the child has undergone the prescribed regular vaccinations, has proof that he or she is immune to the disease, or cannot be vaccinated due to a permanent contraindication. This condition does not apply to children for whom preschool education is compulsory. The admission decision is made by the preschool principal.

Children are admitted to Mateřská škola Kamarád, Hradec Králové, Veverkova 1495, based on a written agreement. The deadline for submitting applications for preschool admission for the upcoming school year is set by the principal in agreement with the founder between 02 May and 16 May. The public is informed about enrolment dates via the website, the municipal press, posters and notice boards on the buildings of the preschool establishments. The principal decides on the admission of each child within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application.


4.1.1 Preschool education of a child as an obligation


Preschool education is compulsory from the beginning of the school year that follows the day the child reaches the age of five until the child starts compulsory schooling.

Compulsory preschool education takes the form of regular daily attendance on weekdays from 8.00 AM to 12.00 AM.

The obligation does not apply during school holidays. The child has the right to be educated in the preschool establishment for the entire period of its operation.



Compulsory preschool education can also take the shape of homeschooling. The legal guardian is required to communicate this to the principal at least 3 months before the start of the school year.


Homeschooling as the selected method of fulfilling the compulsory preschool education can also be notified to the principal during the school year.


The notice of homeschooling must include:

-name, surname, personal identification number and place of permanent residence

-the period during which the child is to be home schooled

-reasons for the homeschooling


The principal will recommend to the legal guardian the areas in which the pupil is to be educated (school educational programmes for preschool - ŠVP PV). The level of expected outcomes in each area will be verified in November. The date will be agreed by the principal and the legal guardian. Verification will take place in the building of the Kamarád Preschool at Veverkova in the form of an interview with the child, supplemented by worksheets or didactic games. If the legal guardian does not ensure the child shows up for the verification of the expected outcomes on the specified date(s) (or on an alternative date), the principal will terminate the homeschooling arrangement.






4.2 Termination of preschool education


The principal may terminate a child's preschool education after prior written notice to the legal guardian if:


- the child is continuously absent from education for more than 2 weeks without an excuse provided by the legal guardian

- the legal guardian repeatedly disrupts the preschool operations in an egregious way

- termination is recommended by the child's physician or school counselling centre during the child's test stay

- the legal guardian repeatedly fails to pay the preschool education fee by the due date and fails to agree on another payment date with the principal

The decision to terminate preschool education cannot be made for a child for whom preschool education is compulsory


4.3 School opening hours, operation of individual classes


The preschool’s opening hours are from 6.15 AM to 4.45 PM.


Children are usually admitted from 6.15 AM to 8.30 AM. Children who do not have afternoon classes can be picked up by their legal guardians or authorised persons at the determined time from 12.00 AM to 12.15 PM; in the afternoon children can be picked up from 2.15 PM to 4.45 PM.

By prior agreement (with the head teacher or the school principal), the child may exceptionally be brought to the preschool as needed by the family; the child must be registered for meals. The preschool facility is locked all day; the school has a security system. People coming to the establishment must ring the appropriate bell, introduce themselves, say their name, the name of the child, or the reason for the visit.

If the child is not properly picked up by the end of the operating hours, the legal guardian will be contacted by phone—if the parent cannot be reached, it is the teacher's responsibility to contact the Police of the Czech Republic and hand the child over to a special site. Information to the effect that the child has been taken away by the police will be posted up at the facility entrance door. Repeated late child pick-ups without extraordinary reasons will be regarded as a disruption of the preschool’s operations.


The rhythm of the day is described in an annex to this policy entitled RHYTHM OF THE DAY

The set schedule of regime activities is flexible and can be varied (outings, theatre performances...). Information on upcoming events in the preschool establishment is announced in a timely manner through the classroom educational programmes posted up on the bulletin board in the children's locker rooms, on the classroom website, or in the school's news section.


4.3.1 Interruption of preschool operations


During the months of July and August, school operations are usually limited or interrupted for 5 weeks. The principal will publish information about the interruption of operations at an accessible place in the school and on the website at least 2 months in advance, and will also inform parents about other childcare options during the closure of the preschool facility and the amount of payment.  For serious reasons (organisational or technical reasons) and after a discussion with the founder, the school operations may be restricted or interrupted during the school year. The principal shall publish information on the restriction or interruption of school operations at an accessible place immediately after the decision to restrict or interrupt the operations is made.



4.4 Ensuring the safety and health protection of children and protecting children against risky behaviours, acts of discrimination, hostility or violence, child handovers


The preschool is responsible for the children's safety from the time the teacher takes the child from their legal guardian or a person authorised by them in writing until the time the teacher hands the child back over to the legal guardian or a person authorised by them; any accompanying persons may stay in the building and on the school premises only for as long as necessary. Teachers will not release a child to anyone other than their legal guardians without written authorisation. The authorisation to pick up a child is valid for an indefinite period of time or until revoked by the legal guardian. In order to ensure safety when outside the preschool establishment, the principal will determine a sufficient number of teachers so that there are no more than 20 children per teacher or 12 children in a classroom that includes children with grade two to grade five support measures or children under the age of three.


In taking care of the children's health and setting up a healthy educational environment and creating favourable conditions for the healthy development of the children, the preschool works with competent school counselling facilities (PPP [Pedagogical-Psychological Counselling Centre], SPC [Special Pedagogical Centre]) and a general practitioner for children and adolescents.


Protection from risky behaviours, discrimination, violence

An important element of protection against the manifestations of risky behaviour is the way the teachers educationally reach out to the preschool children with a focus on healthy living; the preschool has put a Plan of Recovery Measures in place.


An important part of the ŠVP PV is the Prevention Programme, which details the ways of preventing risky behaviours as well as methodological guidance in the area of


Cyber security – the use of modern technologies. Children are adequately reminded of important habits in the virtual and cyber worlds.


The school's focus is on WELL-BEING - children's personal well-being, an area where they feel comfortable, fostering a stimulating environment in which children can develop their physical, cognitive, emotional, social and spiritual potential. This denotes a state of meeting basic needs at the entire school.


As part of the prevention of risky behaviours, the school's educational staff carries out monitoring and screening of relationships between children in classroom teams in order to address any distorting relationships between children from the very beginning, in cooperation with
with legal guardians or with the help of school counselling facilities. One of the most important elements is the creation of a favourable social climate at school among the children, the promotion of pro-social behaviour between children and teachers and between teachers and guardians throughout the children's stay at the preschool.


The school is obliged to report to the child protection authority any facts that indicate that a child is being abused or neglected.




4.4.1 Health conditions for the child's admission to the preschool


A child may only be brought to the preschool if they are completely healthy and do not show any signs of a disease.

Some symptoms of an infectious disease include:

-          transparent mucus running out of the child's nose, even if not accompanied by elevated body temperature

-          - coloured mucus (green, yellow, brown...) running out of the child's nose, even if not accompanied by increased body temperature

-          Intense cough (cough that persists even when the child is at rest, even if not accompanied by elevated body temperature

-          sudden appearance of a rash on the body, which may correspond to chicken pox, the 5th disease, the 6th disease, the hand-foot-mouth syndrome, scarlet fever, impetigo

-          diarrhoea, vomiting, including 3 days after the child no longer suffers from diarrhoea and is not vomiting

-          redness of the eyes, discharge of white or coloured secretion from one or both eyes

-          elevated temperature


Some symptoms of a parasitic disease include:

-          intense itching of the scalp, lice or eggs of head lice (nits) found in the hair upon visual inspection (the school can only accept the child if he/she is fully de-wormed, free of lice and nits)

-          restlessness, itching around the rectum, pinworms identified after bowel movement upon visual inspection (pinworm)


After vaccination, a child cannot be admitted

-          on the day of the vaccination; the child can only be accepted on the following day due to possible reactions and adverse effects of the vaccine

-          if the child continues to show a reaction to the vaccine the day after vaccination (elevated body temperature, severe redness, swelling or pain at the vaccine injection site, rash, increased fatigue, malaise)


Chronic child diseases

If the child suffers from a chronic disease that manifests itself as an acute infectious disease (allergy), a certificate from a specialist or paediatrician must be produced stating that the child has the chronic disease concerned. Without such confirmation, the child will be considered to suffer from an acute illness and will be sent home for treatment

Apart from allergies, epilepsy, bronchial asthma and metabolic diseases are also considered chronic diseases, in respect of which a certificate issued by a specialist or paediatrician must be produced.

Sending the child for home treatment

The school has the right to refer a child for home treatment immediately and at any time during the day if it suspects that the child is acutely ill or suffers from a parasitic disease

In the event of an accident in the preschool establishment, the school is obliged to arrange treatment for the child depending on the severity of the injury and notify the parents immediately. The injury and the accident record shall be handled as specified by the relevant decree;

In the event of a serious injury, an ambulance is called

The child may only come to the establishment completely healthy, with the treatment completed and showing no obvious symptoms. After the illness is over, the parent guarantees the child's recovery, and the teacher may request a doctor's report.



4.4.2 Administration of drugs, medicines to children in the preschool establishment-GUIDANCE ON THE ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICINAL PRODUCTS TO CHILDREN IN THE PRESCHOOL


The preschool is not obliged to administer any over-the-counter or prescription drugs or medicines to children. Pursuant to Section 2 of Act No. 372/2011 Coll. on health services and the conditions applicable to their provision, as amended, an educational worker must not administer medication(s) because they are not a health care worker authorised to do so. If a child needs to take any first aid medication in an emergency situation, or if the medication is prescribed by a doctor and the child needs to take it regularly at specified times, a written request must be made to the school and the necessary medical report must be provided. Then, after the request is granted, the legal guardian is required to personally show up at school and provide the medicine to the educational worker who has agreed to administer the medicine and to draw up a medicine transmission report on the spot. If the school refuses to administer the medication, the parent is required to arrange for the administration of the medication themselves.

The school has the right, in accordance with Section 35 of the Education Act, to exclude a child from education in the event of illness, and in the event of a serious and repeated violation of these provisions by the parent, the school may terminate the child's preschool education.





Children’s equipment

When at school, the children wear, use:

·           only sturdy (fixed heel) hygienic shoes with white soles for safety reasons

·           appropriate classroom clothing (other than that they wear outside, for hygienic reasons)

·           pyjamas

·           spare clothes including underwear

·           toothbrush and mouthwash


Appropriate outdoor clothing /depending on the weather/:

·           older clothes, suitable, sturdy shoes

·           appropriate headgear and gloves in winter,

·           a cap or a fabric head covering in summer months; the parents shall apply a long-lasting sunscreen to the child

           at home, before the child arrives at the school; at their discretion, they may apply a tick repellent


The child cannot be in the classroom wearing the same clothes he/she wears outside.

Spare underwear, socks or tights and handkerchiefs are stored in the coat rack in the cloakroom.



The parent is responsible for what the child brings to school and what they keep in their box.

Teachers are not required to check these spots for dangerous or valuable items.

Children's legal guardians shall take all their belongings home before the summer holidays



4.6 Information, notices, cooperation, handling of personal data


The preschool cooperates with parents in order to develop activities and organise activities for the benefit of the children and to deepen the mutual educational interaction between the family and the preschool.

A parent has the right to be informed about their child's progress, individual development and learning.


Cooperation between parents and preschool teachers takes place in the form of class meetings and consultations:

·         with the head teachers (regularly at the beginning and end of the school year), or with

the school principal by prior arrangement

·         For children with repeated educational problems, violations of school rules or classroom rules that negatively affect the educational process, the school (other party involved) and the parents create an individual educational program.

         The aim is to eliminate risky behaviour in children and prevent the consequences of such behaviour. If despite all      

         support, the child's risky behaviour is not eliminated, the family is indicated for cooperation with another party. 

The preschool offers events and activities for families of children and the public


Current information intended for the responsible guardians is prominently displayed on the notice board in each classroom.

Parents come to parent/teacher conferences without their children!




4.6.1. Complaints, notifications and suggestions


As part of cooperation between the family and the school, we register every new suggestion and comment, and we offer and expect fair treatment based on mutual trust, openness, helpfulness, understanding and mutual respect and esteem.  

Criticisms, acknowledgements and suggestions concerning the work of the preschool staff should be submitted to the principal.

Parents may meet with the principal on an appointment basis, in urgent cases without delay and also over the phone. The principal is unable to deal with parents while she is on duty with the children.

Complaints, notifications and suggestions about the work of the preschool staff should be filed with the principal, or in her absence with the deputy principal, who will deal with them within the legal time limits specified by the Administrative Code or forward them to higher authorities.



4.7 Children’s and legal guardians’ rights


4.7.1. Basic rights and obligations of children accepted for preschool education


Every accepted child has the right to:

(a) high-quality pre-school education guaranteeing the optimal development of his/her abilities and the development of his/her personality,

(b) having activities and services provided by school facilities as defined under the Education Act

(c) a physically and psychologically safe environment while in preschool

(d) the choice of activities and rest time


Furthermore, all children have rights in education that are guaranteed by the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms and the Convention on the Rights of the Child,

to be protected by society (the need for food, clothing, a place to live, medical assistance, protection from people and situations that could hurt them physically or psychologically) – (rule for parents – do not engage in discussions with strange children, do not threaten them, do not try to resolve situations involving children on the premises of the preschool),


·       be respected as an individual in society (to be treated decently, even if they are not right, the right to friendship, to be respected in terms of language, colour, race or social group)

·       an emotionally positive environment and expressions of love (the right to live with both of their parents unless that would harm them, the right to have someone to stand up for them, the right to be with people who love them, the right to get attention and guidance from the adults, the right to receive and show love)

·       be respected as an individual capable of developing, who wants to affirm their identity (the right to grow up into a physically and mentally healthy individual, the right to be encouraged to respect other people regardless of race, religion, etc., the right to develop all their abilities and talents, the right to play, the right to privacy)

·       be respected as an individual who steers their own life (the right to influence decisions as to what happens to them, the right to age-appropriate behaviour, the right to receive instruction with a view to being prepared to assume freedom of one’s actions and the freedom to live their lives in their own way)

·       the preschool classes have put in place rules of coexistence and teachers guide children during their stay in preschool to respect the rules and principles of coexistence and ethics.


Children’s duties

·         follow the rules jointly created in the classroom, follow the instructions of the staff in the preschool, treat the material and equipment of the school gently (greeting, thanking, refraining from destroying any toys, tools, furniture...)

·         protect their health and the health of others. Follow any health and safety instructions from school staff, which are repeatedly communicated to children

·         participate in and respect rest and relaxation activities based on the daily rhythm

·         observe the principles of personal hygiene

·         respect the rights of peers to safety and health protection, and refrain from physically or psychologically interfering with the dignity and personal integrity

·         participate in situations arising from applicable legislation (distance learning)


4.7.2. Parents (legal guardians) have the right to:

·       information on the progress and results of the child's education, their individual progress

·       information and guidance from the school or school counselling centre

·       confidentiality and protection of information concerning their personal and family life

·       request a consultation with a teacher or the school principal (by scheduling an appointment)

·       contribute their ideas and suggestions to enrich the school’s educational programme, participate in school events, take part in various programmes

·       comment on the operations of the preschool, on the teachers and the principal

·       cooperate with the preschool with a view to enhancing the educational interaction for the benefit of the children

·       take advantage of an adaptation regime tailored to their needs

·       authorise another person to pick up the child (form available from the teacher or the school principal)


Parents’ (legal guardians’) duties

Ensure that the child attends preschool properly (from the date of admission)

·       comply with the School Policy and the internal rules and instructions issued by the principal, health and safety regulations and instructions that have been presented to them

·       at the invitation of the principal, participate in person in the discussion of serious issues concerning the child's education

·       inform the preschool of any changes in health, any health problems of the child, any occurrence of infectious diseases in the family or other serious facts that could affect education

·       report the child’s absence that was known in advance; if not known in advance, excuse the child immediately by phone or in person

·       document the reasons for the absence of the child for whom education is compulsory within three days of the first absence (a letter of excuse is issued to children for this purpose)

·       provide the school the data necessary for the maintenance of the school register, which are essential for the course of education or the safety of the child; immediately report any changes in the data recorded in the school register

·       respect the school's operating hours (pick up the child no later than the end of the opening hours) and the school's organisational procedures. The school building is closed during the opening hours and access is possible only with the use of a security device

·       report the arrival and departure of the child at a time other than the usual time

·       pay the preschool education fee in due time in accordance with applicable laws and guidelines on the payment for education and school services, unless the school principal has decided to exempt the child or waive the fee upon a prior request, and pay the school meals fee. Unless the fees are paid, the child cannot be admitted to preschool.

Parents who will be requesting an exemption from the preschool fee must send the request in writing to the school principal no later than the 10th day of the month. (The exemption from paying the fees may be granted to a legal guardian who repeatedly receives destitution benefits, a legal guardian of a dependent child if the child is entitled to an increase in the care allowance, a parent who is entitled to an increase of the care allowance because of the care of a dependent child, or a natural person who personally takes care of a child and receives foster care benefits on account of taking care of the child.)

·       ensure a home-schooled child shows up at school on 07 November at 9.00 AM, or, alternatively, on 13 November at 1.00 PM, for an examination seeking to establish whether or not the child has achieved the specified learning outcomes

·       notify the principal of, and immediately provide proof of the deferment granted

·       Parents are responsible for the suitability and safety of their child's clothing both indoors and outdoors, bringing their child in clean and neat

·       the legal guardian is responsible for any items that the child brings to school

·       in the event of a change in the family's circumstances, the legal guardian is required to provide the custody order and any changes to it to the head teacher

·       take charge of their child without undue delay if they are informed by the preschool of the child's health problems

·       observe the rules of decency and mutual consideration when interacting with school staff and other legal guardians



4.8 Adaptation regime


We offer an individually tailored adaptation regime for newly admitted children; we organise adaptation days. 

Parents can agree in advance with the principal and head teachers on an appropriate adaptation procedure.

Children who are admitted should come to school regularly, especially during the adaptation period; we recommend that the first week of attendance at the preschool be shortened to a morning stay only, with a gradual extension of the stay.



4.9 Safety


Children are familiarised with the rules at the start of preschool and throughout the school year as part of educational activities, and they are adequately instructed on safety. This measure concerns the internal rules of the classroom (school) and also any risks that may endanger the children outside the preschool establishment.


Ground rules:

·       Children must not wear to school any dangerous and health threatening items, chains, necklaces, pendants, bracelets, earrings or other jewellery, chewing gum, toys, etc. as there may be injuries, damage or losses

·       For safety and hygiene reasons it is forbidden to ride a bicycle on the preschool premises, to park a car on the premises and in the entrance area. This also applies to other means of transport

·       It is also forbidden to bring dogs and other animals onto the school premises,

·       It is necessary to close the entrance gate to the building and secure it by closing it. Only legal guardians or authorised persons operate the security opening device, not the children! It is prohibited to climb onto the gate or fence.

·       Bicycles placed in racks on the preschool premises must be secured

·       The legal guardian of a child must not send the child to preschool alone!

The details are described in document OS 08 Guidelines for the Health and Safety of Preschool Children.


4.9.1. Protecting safety at school (teacher, child)


·       Teaching staff are required to maintain confidentiality and protect from misuse any personal data, information on the health status of children and the results of counselling assistance provided by the school counselling centre and the school counselling site with which they have come into contact;

·       The right of children's legal guardians to object to the processing of personal data is governed by the Principal's Data Protection Guideline;

·       The processing of children's personal data for the purpose of promoting the school (website, promotional materials, photographs) is possible with the consent of the children's legal guardians;

·       The school processes the personal data of children and their legal guardians and other persons with whom it comes into contact as part of its operations;




4.10 Catering


Questions regarding meals are to be discussed by the parent with the head of the school cafeteria. 

A parent is unconditionally required to meet the payment date for boarding fees and pre-school education fees, even in the event of the child's momentary absence from school.

The conditions applicable to school boarding are set out in the Internal Rules of the School Cafeteria. The payment amounts are decided by the principal together with the head of school catering according to the decree in force, setting the financial meal fee limit. A child present in the school at mealtimes always benefits from boarding. Each child is entitled to a maximum of one main meal and snacks. Meals are served only at the specified serving times. The parent may cancel all or part of the day's meals using the web-based check-out form as instructed by the head of catering. The school allows for a varied and sufficient drinking regime with a choice of options. It is prohibited to bring any food and fluids to school; serving of food brought in does not qualify as school meals. Exceptions (only for medical reasons specified in a medical report requiring dietary boarding) can be agreed upon, subject to certain rules, only with the school principal. Other reasons are not accepted. Parents are informed about the amount of fees upon the child’s admission and on the bulletin boards in the main entrance of the building and on the school's website. The fee for the preschool education of a child must be paid by wire transfer by the 25th day of the month in advance, in respect of the following month, 11 times a year. Each parent will receive all instructions on payments and how to use the web-based system. Meals are also paid by wire transfer to the same account as the preschool fees. A full settlement will take place after the end of the current school year. During the meal times, we ask the legal guardians and persons picking up the children not to enter the classrooms, both for hygienic and social reasons, and to ensure that the children and the educational or other staff of the preschool have the chance to board in peace during the meal times.


4.11 Preschool fee


The founder of the preschool determines the monthly amount of the payment for preschool education for the period of the school year no later than 30 June of the previous school year. If the founder does not provide for a change in the amount of the monthly fee by the above deadline, the monthly fee for the following school year remains the same as in the previous school year. Legal guardians are informed of the amount of the fee by the principal. Free education is provided from the beginning of the school year following the day the child reaches the age of five. For details on the preschool fee see the principal's guideline on fees.


4.12 Treatment of school property


4.12.1. Children's behaviour when handling school property


Throughout the child's education, while the child is at school, the teaching staff make sure that children treat any teaching aids, toys and other educational equipment with caution and that they do not damage the preschool’s property.

During the time the child comes to school, they are encouraged to treat the school's property with caution so as to avoid harm to children or devaluation of school property. In the event of damage to school property, the matter will be discussed with the child's legal guardians and the course of action as regards compensation will be agreed.


4.12.2. Legal guardians’ duties in handling school property when present in the school


Legal guardians only stay in the school for the time necessary and for the duration of any meeting with the school staff regarding the child's education, or for the duration of any meeting with the head of the school cafeteria regarding the child's meals. They do not stay in the locker rooms after picking up children from class without a reason, and they do not let their children move across the building unsupervised.


During their stay in the school premises, legal guardians are required to behave in such a way as not to damage school property and in the event that they discover damage to such property, they must immediately report it to the school's teaching staff. Legal guardians and authorised persons shall heed and respect the instructions of the school staff.

Parents are required to work with us to encourage their children to be careful with school property and to behave and act in a respectful manner.



4.12.3. Other safety precautions

In all areas of the school there is a strict ban on smoking, drinking alcohol, smoking electronic cigarettes, using drugs, using unauthorised electrical appliances, and putting personal belongings in places not intended for this purpose.


4.13. Educational activity, education, mission


The mission of the preschool is to develop independent and healthy children through natural education, to lay the foundations for a lifelong education for all children based on their abilities, interests and needs. Provide appropriate assistance to children with special educational needs.


The preschool works according to the school educational programme for preschool education: " Together with friends we discover life

and explore the world.”

The school has been awarded the World School title; the garden surrounding the Hrubínova preschool establishment has been awarded the Natural Garden plaque;


Each class has its own Class Educational Programme for Preschool Education. The programme is flexible, responding to current developments or current changing needs of the children. Classes have their own additional programmes and projects

The main goal is to present the natural environment that surrounds them to the children and together create a positive relationship with nature.

Children gain an awareness of the constant changes in the natural environment and its diversity, and of the global implications. The content develops respect for life in all its forms and creates awareness of one's own belonging to nature.

Pronunciation defect prevention is carried out in the school, in cooperation with a clinical speech therapist. Children are educated on healthy lifestyles.


We offer premium activities that develop individual skills through group activities

·         Sports swimming (in cooperation with the Zéva Swimming School),

·         extended English language tuition in one of the classes, 

·         visits to a salt-iodine cave depending on the interest,

·         winter field trips with skiing courses,

·         exercises for children

·         flute playing,

·         music and dance corner,

·         art-oriented activities,

·         farewell to the preschool children at the end of the school year in the school garden, around a camp fire,

·         spring wildlife outings for the children

·         the young reader activity

·         experimental workshop

·         And also parades, competitions, games, traditional events for children, parents and the public, adaptation days for newly admitted children, Olympic Athletics, and more........


Other activities and events are included on an ongoing basis. We organise events for children and their parents, families of children, seniors.

We focus on the protection and prevention of social pathologies and manifestations of discrimination, hostility or violence


An important element of protection against socially pathological phenomena is the educational influence on children as young as the pre-school age, focused on a healthy way of life. As part of the School Programme for the Prevention of Socially Pathological Phenomena, children are therefore led in a non-violent way, appropriate to their age and abilities, to understanding the given issues, and the positives of healthy lifestyles and mindsets are explained to them.



5. Cooperation of the school with the police and relevant government authorities


Cooperation of the school with the Police of the Czech Republic in the prevention and investigation of child and youth crime and crime against children and youth (Ministry of Education and Youth of the Czech Republic Ref. 25 884/2003-24), as described in the instruction document for the school’s cooperation with the police and relevant state administration bodies.



6. Final provisions


The School Policy is binding for all children, their legal guardians and preschool staff.

The School Policy is available in full version: according to the distribution list for this document in the preschool office, published on the school website, posted in the school premises at the places where education is provided, in the children's changing rooms, on the (school) information boards

Parents are informed about the School Policy at information meetings in September of the current school year (documented by minutes)

Any help to the school is welcome!


7. Training record

Training on the contents of this document shall be made after the document is issued, in the form of a single or summary training record.

8. Related documents


RHYTHM OF THE DAY timetable of regime activities


6.15 AM – 8.30 AM INDIVIDUAL CHILDREN GAMES                                                            

- themed games in and outside play corners, graphomotor activities

- drawing, fine-motor activities 

- games with building blocks, natural materials and soft materials, group or individual activities in educational

   centres, experimental workshops, community circles, board games


INDIVIDUAL WORK WITH CHILDREN                                                               

- speech therapy prevention, literature work, moral and emotional development of children, activities as needed


MORNING EXERCISE                                                                                              

- exercise for health, improving fitness and joy of movement, health exercises, children's yoga, relaxation, exercise with music, movement and music and movement games


8.30 AM – 9.00 AM PERSONAL HYGIENE, SNACK                                                                  

– self-care habits




9.30 AM – 11.30 AM STAY OUTSIDE

- environmental and educational walks, games and activities in the school garden, exploring the cultural

   centre, traffic safety, cultural events...


11.30 AM – 12.00 PM PERSONAL HYGIENE, LUNCH                                                                         

– self-care habits, etiquette




12.00 PM – 2.00 PM AFTERNOON REST                                                        

 - fairy tales, lullabies, relaxation with music, massages, reading texts preferred, readings by seniors and guests at school

- differentiated sleep: INDIVIDUAL WORK WITH CHILDREN                                                                      

- speech therapy, graphomotorics, moral education, Lego games, pre-reading activities, individual work with children with a different mother tongue and children with school deferment, extra activities


2.00 PM – 2.30 PM PERSONAL HYGIENE, SNACK                                                                         

- self-care habits, etiquette



-frontal and individual activities with children according to their interests, outdoor activity, children picked up







Cooperation of the school with the Police of the Czech Republic in the prevention and investigation of child and youth crime and crime against children and youth (Ministry of Education and Youth of the Czech Republic Ref. 25 884/2003-24)


Discussed by the educational council on 26 August 2020, valid as of: 01 September 2015 including modifications


School entry by the Police

1)       In the context of the necessary cooperation between the police and the school in the investigation of crimes against children, the presence of the police in the school is necessary in this situation.

2)       If requested by the police, it will be provided with a suitable room in the school (principal’s office) to question the pupil concerned

3)       The police may summon or even bring a minor for questioning.


Interrogation of a child

1)       In schools, minors may be subjected to the following: required to give an explanation, questioned as witnesses, questioned as suspects or as the accused after the school principal or his/her representative has been informed of the subject of the police action, including the reasons for it. This includes releasing the child concerned from school for police use, such as crime scene reconstruction. All of these are police actions within the meaning of Act No. 273/2008 Coll. on the Police of the Czech Republic.

2)       A child may be summoned to give an explanation only through his or her parents or legal guardians, child care authorities
or through the school of which he or she is a pupil or other similar institution.

3)       When a child is being interrogated at school, the principal will provide educational supervision, as the school is responsible for the child's safety while the child is being interrogated at school.

4)       Course of action for bringing a pupil for questioning:


If the nature of the case requires the child to be brought to the relevant Police Department, the following course of action will be followed:

(1) An educational supervisor will be provided for the use of the police officer in charge of the questioning

(2) The school must notify the child's legal guardian in advance of the questioning

(3) If this is not possible, they must do so at least after the act

(4) In exceptional cases where such notification might impede further investigation, and by prior agreement
with the responsible police officer, the school will notify the legal guardian immediately after the police have given their consent.


Disclosure duty

(1) All school staff must report to the principal their suspicion a child may be subjected to abuse, exploitation, neglect or other maltreatment within their family or in another out-of-school setting.

(2) Proper exercise of educational supervision also leads to the prevention of criminal acts by and against children.


Guidelines on the administration of medication(s) to children in preschool


1. The school staff is not responsible for the administration of medication(s) to a child in preschool except where the child would be at risk of serious harm to health, taking into account the basic physiological needs of children and the conditions for their healthy development, ensuring health protection and safety. Every employee must provide or arrange for the necessary assistance to a person in danger of death or showing signs of a serious health disorder. Where a child takes medication(s) on a regular basis, the legal guardian must request the school in writing to administer the medication(s) and provide details of the necessary course of action in administering the medication.


1.1. The legal guardian must provide a statement from the prescribing physician along with the request. The physician's statement must include recommendations
as to the administration of the medication(s) during the child's stay in preschool and the exact dosage(s) of the medication(s), other related instructions with which the authorised school employee is demonstrably familiarised in writing.

Medication(s) may only be administered at school with the principal’s approval. The child’s legal guardian shall deliver the medication(s) to the preschool in person; the medication(s) must be in the original packaging, labelled with the child's name and dosage information.


1.2. The principal will designate an authorised school employee to administer the medication(s) and another person to administer the medication(s) to the child in the absence of the authorised person.


2. Actual administration of the medication(s) shall be performed by the staff member in charge of administering the medication(s); alternatively, another authorised person must administer the medication(s) to the child as instructed by the legal guardian and physician. They shall make an entry on the administration of the medication(s) in the medication log. They shall enter the time of the administration and confirm it with their signature. They shall put the box containing the medication(s) in its designated place – out of reach of children.


3. Conclusion

Administering medication(s) to children in preschool constitutes an exceptional event. Any medication is administered in preschool only against a physician's recommendation and a request from the legal guardian, and only if the failure to administer it would put the child's life, health
and further growth at risk.